Our CSR Policy
In 1990, Gonzalo Cruz created La Franco Argentine and placed human beings at the heart of its corporate project.
Also, as part of our development, we have always favored local raw materials (milk and sugar) and we maintain relationships of trust, healthy and sustainable with all of our partners: suppliers, customers, carriers, financiers, community.
In 2018, we are taking a decisive step in our responsible commitment by formalizing and structuring our CSR approach.
We built our policy based on the French regulation on CSR (Grenelle 2), the international norms of behavior – the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the eight fundamental Conventions of the ILO and the principles of the Global Compact – and the ISO 26000 standard.
Thus, we integrate this policy at the heart of our strategy and involve our main stakeholders:
- Our employees
- Suppliers
- Customers
- Associations
- The financiers
- Carriers
- The local community
With their participation, we have set the lines of our CSR policy by 2022: link to ‘Our Axes and Areas of CSR Actions‘
Our values ’Respect’, ‘Commitment’, ‘Innovation’ and ‘Family’ are fully in line with our CSR policy.