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Don Satur Cookies

The typical fatty cookies that always accompany a good mate. Tasty and balanced, they are perfect to eat with dulce de leche or as a base for more daring preparations. The tradition that si ready to innovate. LFA distributes Don Satur in France and Spain.


Lheritier products are part of the collective memory of Argentina. Their peanut bars and their sweets are an irresistible delight. LFA distributes Lheritier in France and Spain.


Gota is the premium mineral water brand from Argentina. Based on principles of sustainable development and customisation. They specialize in the creation of artistic, custom-made editions for luxury hotels, gourmet stores and premium brands.

Every drop counts: they use only 100% recyclable materials and help rural schools get access to safe water in Argentina. LFA imports Gota mineral water for Europe.